"The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude." ~   Oprah Winfrey

Ok, so for Monday's I will keep it as magical as I can get! :- ) Everyone needs a little magic and Pixie Dust in there life right?
I think the magical thing about today was that I woke up at 7am this morning with a smile on my face. Now, if you knew me, you would know that me waking up early let alone with a smile on my face is RARE. I am usually your typical night owl who stay up till 3-4am and sleeps in till about 11:30-noon if you let me (remember, I homeschool and have such a privilage). I know, I know, I sound like a bag of lazy bones, but trust me when I say my life is hectic and busy enough. However,  I guess me waking up at 7am has set me on a goal to make a habit of this every morning! I feel extrememly refreshed, more relaxed, accomplished, ect. And it is only 6pm in the evening and the sun is still shining. The fact I can now spend the rest of my evening how ever I like is the best part!

So, now my only hope is that my "Monday Magic" will affect you in a positive manner! My goal for you is to set your alarm tomorrow morning with an upbeat, happy, dancy song that will put a smile on your face! Brush your teeth, comb your hair, get dressed, do your nails! Anything that will make you feel beautiful, and renewed for the day. :- )

And here is the song for today: "Wakin' Up To Love" ~ Shanna Crooks

How was your Monday Magical?!

Remember, Stay Ardent Always!
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    I'm Sam! Here for your purusing and enjoyment. I want to know what YOU want! So drop me a line! :- )


    April 2012



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